Reaction Sinteed Silicon Carbide Products


应用领域     Products Application
       防弹陶瓷    Bullet-proof ceramic
       喷嘴等结构陶瓷 Nozzles and other structural ceramics
       陶瓷耐温部件 Temperature resistant ceramic components
产品特性   Product Features
       游离硅的含量(14%-8% The free silicon content of our product is14%- 8%
       产品密度显著高于一般水平  Product density is significantly higher than the equivalent
产品规格   Products of Specifications
       目前主要产品为250×300mm δ=512mm规格多曲防弹胸板
       Our main products is 250×300mm  δ=512mm competitions multi-  curved bulletproof plate at present
       也可按客户要求生产其他反应烧结碳化硅产品   We are manufacture other  reaction sintering silicon carbide products as customers' requests
Address: Address: 71 Renmin Road, Zhongshan District, Dalian Liaoning 116001
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